Sunday 1 January 2017

Low price beer flow meter

Electromagnetic flowmeter structure mainly by the magnetic circuit system, measuring catheter, electrode, shell, lining and converters and other components.

Magnetic circuit system: its role is to produce a uniform DC or AC magnetic field. DC magnetic circuit with a permanent magnet to achieve the advantage of the structure is relatively simple, subject to the interference of the AC magnetic field is small, but it is easy to make the measurement of the electrolyte within the catheter polarization, the positive electrode surrounded by negative ions, negative electrode positive ions Surrounded by the polarization of the electrode, and lead to increased resistance between the two electrodes, thus seriously affecting the normal work of the instrument. When the pipe diameter is larger, the corresponding permanent magnets are also large, cumbersome and uneconomical, so the electromagnetic flowmeter generally use alternating magnetic field, and is 50HZ frequency power excitation generated.
Measuring the catheter: its role is to make the measured conductive liquid through. In order to make the magnetic flux through the measuring catheter when the flux is shunted or short circuit, the measurement catheter must be non-conductive, low conductivity, low thermal conductivity and a certain mechanical strength of the material can be used non-permeable stainless steel, glass steel, Plastic, aluminum and so on.

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